I know that finding the rhythm of these uncertain times is a day by day pace. I see you all pressing into this chapter with grit and with grace and we will make it through this together.
Within these uncertain times I have found support in some information shared and also received discernment to lay certain things down because it does not fit our home’s fight for peace. Each of us are leaning into this homebound chapter with big questions, yet a stilling need to respond for what works for us. In an attempt to not overwhelm you with MORE information for you to dissect through, but rather, may these tips be a walk through of grace filled moments for you to develop your own kind of dance in this space of time.
The Ralston tribe have intentionally been investing in public school and like many of you I am also a business owner “momprenuer” as some like to call it. To in no moments warning be stripped of the spaces to work within mental readiness to be met with an online modular learning it has been imperative that I do not allow my thinking to process too far in advance. We have all been shifted into the uncharted territory and within this space especially, GRACE abounds for the many roles to play its part.
We are NOT trying to step into this space of time with a HOMESCHOOL do it studiously well mentally. Maintaining the peace of our home is our highest priority and stepping into the unknown corners of social distancing and separation from normalcy is a challenge the whole nation is facing together. Talk about a season of identifying priorities and focusing on things that bring life.
Here is a list of tips that have given us our Covid-19 rhythm as we step into working from home, homeschooling, maintaining social distance, and keeping the peace.
Ralston TRIBE and each of you taking on the role of warrior in this…
Create your schedule of rhythm with your children. You do not have to re-create the amazing classroom environment your student was part of with their teacher. Sit down with your children and create a list of what they can contribute to in the schedule for the day for what meets your family best. If a silly greeting song, when it is only 4 or so of you leads their spirits in comfort then “hello Mama greeting” is where we show up.
Give your new home learning environment a name. When community is stripped and normalcy is shaken, creating a semblance of connection is healing for trauma. My children value calling our Ralston school, “DIRTY SOCKS ACADEMY: where it is more fun that it sounds.” We bring socks to our morning meeting together and use them for greetings and other parts of the day together.
A huge part of “Dirty Socks Academy” is maintaining opportunities to learn empathy and invest in places that keep us looking outward to the world around us. When I asked my daughter, “what has helped you keep the peace this week with all the many changes happening?” Her reply was tenderly voiced, “investing in time with you showing care for other people together.”
This is an opportunity, unlike any other time we travel, where there is a HIGH need to tap into our thoughtfulness and check on others. We have a blessed space to teach our children ways to share strength and encouragement with others and part of our day is to write cards, writing prompts in our journals and be a presence even amidst this physical separation with loved ones. This helps us to not only focus on the hard of our separation but also care about the plights of others as well.
Find a place in your home that gives you peace and do something that you enjoy. These were my oldest son’s words when asked what has helped him this week. Part of our new days is FULL of investing in talents and abilities with a nurturance and care. This involves logging into the amazing Mo Williams lunch doodles , McHarper Manor, and other online drawing tutorials, craft stations, and photography moments for Mom. We each designate a place in the home and have a timer set to focus on an activity that promotes peace for us. It has been a huge source of strength for us this week and the confidence to share those outcomes with one another has been a great conversation starter.
There are some disciplines to follow and to implement where others can be laid down for comfort amidst all the changes and uncertainties. My youngest loves his family time and part of kindergarten has been a stepping into his independence in different ways so that is a challenge of this new forced position. When asked about what has kept his peace this week, he voiced, “ helping you with lunches and being able to hug you anytime that I want to.” We intentionally this week gave the option of Pajama homeschool and it has been a source of comfort for them I am released to not need as a discipline for us right now. Others may see a different choice of changing clothes and getting more ready for the day but for us it has been a laid down discipline that has ushered readiness for this time to take it slow and have the choice.
Find the helpers in this and encourage them in these changes. Part of our days is supporting this new homebound work space and giving grace to the changes that impact many in this stance.
Business owners and those fighting for job security, I see you making those difficult calls and bearing the weight of the “what ifs and the “what is” and wading through these waters with stride and with grace. I know you are shifting your typical work environment and investing in the trenches of your home or on the front lines of difficult moments and the 6 ft. distancing how to. Your presence of calm amidst the storm is appreciated more than can be articulated and ushers a great value of comforting presence. As you lament places that are lost may the reward of your hard work continuing on RISE up to meet you as difficult days find their rhythm amidst the unknowns. For the trenches you stand in that may seem sinking may you find your strength as you warrior on.
My children like to call it recess time because I think the semblance of that routine in school gives them peace, but invest in body movement daily! We have logged into what people are doing well and Cosmic Yoga kids has been an incredible indoor source of movement- also our dance off competitions on nintendo switch, Just Dance, have been part of our exercise.
I value the words, “do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do- John Wooden” and in this stance it is imperative to rain or shine, GET OUTSIDE> rain boots, umbrellas, sunshine make movement of breathing outside safely around you a priority. It ushers in calm in more ways than can be articulated.
Utilize the gift of social connection via technology and integrate in your days moments to make that happen. Yes, we have all been thrown into this “homeschool” environment but many of us are not trying to stay there in that space, so for us we are tapping into the modular online learning our incredible education system is creating and we will be following their lead on this. This takes off the pressure for us to create all of these learning spaces of core math, etc. and follow the lead of others who have the resources to provide this template. We will follow their curriculum. Rest in the places you can show up well in creative outlets and maintain your peace.
If you have internet access, setting up ZOOM/Google chats/Face time with loved ones will give LIVE action of connection and will usher in community right within your walls.
“This uncharted territory may be leading us down a spiraling path of uncertainties, yet it is landing us in shared conversations, within the home and nationwide, where fears are faced and peace to keep pressing on is received as we choose to RISE UP together. ”
I know that we are all ready to CHANGE this social distancing and get out of this pandemic craziness, but in this time of homebound investment may we RISE Up stronger together.
I’d love if you shared any tips and places that have helped your family #keepthepeace in your home.